Professionals “must” master these seven skills

Professionals must master these 7 skills to become effective

Professionals “must” master these seven skills

What makes you a good professional? You may think of several abilities that are apt for your domain and have always been enhancing your worth in the job-market.

The answer is in the skillset that is desired from every professional, irrespective of the industry you belong to. This are the basic skills that will help you perform better and better. You must possess these skills to succeed at every stage in your professional career and reach the top. These skills will help you develop a productive and fruitful career.

There are several experienced professionals, like you, who are lacking in at least one of these skills:

Communication is the base of every relation :

Your success strongly depends on how you communicate and what you communicate. The confidence and effectiveness matters the most when you speak with someone. Even if you are an introvert, you should be capable of communicating, as and when required. Being an extrovert gives you an added advantage of openly talking to people, however, it is very important to communicate only and as much required. Many a times, it happens that we elaborate a concept/ topic which is meaningless.

Network and connectivity :

Before you relate this to your cellphone and start wandering, please understand that we are referring to networking and building connections. This is another crucial skill; even if you are an excellent communicator, it is of utmost importance to increase your professional/ social network and sustain these connections. Please note networking is much more than handing out your business card at an event or at a similar occasion. You can always begin with a helping hand; apprise people on your background and then ask them how can you help? Thus, you will highlight your current doings and also build a connection.

Do all this with immense confidence and eye contact, to make a powerful impact.

Resume & Cover Letter Write-up :

We all may not be good at writing, however, at some point we need to write may be an email, letter or even own resume. It is very crucial that you understand yourself and your professional history and also are capable of exhibiting the same in a coherent manner. You can read our previous articles, to understand the resume writing and the common mistakes that can be avoided. If you still lack confidence, then remember, we at Resume Builder are available for you to give you a leg-up to write your resume and your cover letter.

Facing the interview :

For sure this has been a tricky one, when you enter a room wherein you know that people are ready to judge you for everything and even question you. It this time you are full of anxiety, nervousness and even low confidence, this all is obvious. This complexities can go-off only when apt preparation and practice, and the most important the knowledge to answer the questions, correctly. Additionally, you can also read and practice a handful of psychological tricks that can help appear smart and confident.

Significant “do” – Send a thank you email to the interviewer/ hiring manager and also add the points/ topics discussed in the interview. This will remind them of your professionalism and ability to grasp and understand things.

Decisions :

Being in a new or a settle job, the decisions that we make, shape our career. Infact, decision making is a common skill that we need to master in our daily lives. As we know “life is happening everyday”, and it is changing by every decision we make. In our professional lives, it matters the most, as we deal with different people from different background. When we say decision-making, it is not just managerial decision-making process, it is even about with whom you should have lunch with, seek help and also assignments from etc. At this point in time, when you understand yourself and the significance of your decision, it will start aligning with your desires. This will also bring in enhancement to your skillset and even newer growth opportunities.

Leadership :

Now that you are in an organization, you need to know and showcase your leadership quality. For this, you need not necessarily be a leader/ boss with subordinates, instead you can flaunt these skills to attain that position. As the renowned writer Robin Sharma says “Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It’s about impact, influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for work, and you have to inspire the team-mates and customers.”

Thus, as a team member your influence, passion and inspiration can evoke a change within the team.

Balancing your personal and professional life :

We have surely read it several times that you will never remember the presentations but the quality time spent with your loved ones. This is termed as work-life balance. Our commute, stressful work and never-ending meetings take a heavy toll on our personal life. We sacrifice a lot of our personal time for all this, for earning and living for a weekend. This is the most common struggle that every employee goes through. If you are also stuck in such scenario, take the charge of your professional life, try to minimize your commute, learn or invent some skills to finish off a tedious task in shortest time and make precise points for the meeting. All this and similar other changes will give you a desired breather for your personal life even on weekdays.

As mentioned above, we all lack in few or most of these skills and need to master this to make our professional as well as personal life a success. Remember, it’s not too late and you can still bring in a change in your life. We also encourage you to take external trainings that will hone your communication, decision making and leadership skills. These trainings will offer you a platform to meet new people, boost your network and most importantly, gain confidence of public speaking.

We are confident that our article will make a difference in your life. Wish you success for all your future endeavours!

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Line 1 : +91-9970318611

Line 2 : +91-7755901241 

Smart ways to deal with your bad appraisal

Smart ways to deal with your bad appraisal

Smart ways to deal with your bad appraisal

 “A bad system will always beat a good person every time” W. Edwards Deming, the American engineer, statistician, professor, author, lecturer, and management consultant.

Deming’s quote relates to your professional life-story? Is your professional life hinting at “quit” because of that bad, very bad appraisal?

Read on to find out the healing processing of such appraisals

We, at resume builder, have jotted down five ways to deal with such unwanted/ unexpected events in your professional life.

This is what you are required to do now –

Keep calm, because this is not the end!

While we understand that you worked hard to bring in desire results, however, this is not the end of your world. There will be negative emotions and also self-criticism, we suggest, see above this. All you need is the self-confidence, remember your hard work and the appreciations that you bagged. Getting angry or even showing anger to your manager/ higher-up will only worsen your situation, so don’t do that.

Precisely, accept this appraisal and stake calm. That’s the ideal first step.

Now assess yourself!

You will wonder why? Self-assessment is essential here to determine and understand if this has happened before – Yes? See through if it’s the same reason that crashed on your dreams even this year. If no, then examine the probable reason; discuss with your manager or the one who rated you, to understand their side of the story. Having done that, now it’s time to take some learnings from this appraisal.

You may not want to work in the same organization, under the same boss, however, you need to carry these learnings everywhere. This bad patch will remind you what to avoid in future and if you efficaciously handle it, you will emerge as a winner.

Thus, assess yourself, learn and carry forward.


Request your boss for a discussion on the appraisal, so you can see both the sides of the coin. Like we all blame it “politics” in the corporate world, however, in this discussion, your boss will have to elaborate your appraisal and performance of the past one year. There is a high possibility that you may have to face negative remarks and criticism, but don’t get bogged down with this. This is a healthy discussion to measuring the depth of your performance. You can also question your boss what the right things you have done and you do it more frequently. Additionally, if you feel, your boss is being too negative about your work, just correct them whenever required. Examine yourself through SWOT analysis of your performance of the last one year. Ultimately, resignation/ job change is not the only solution.

Plan your actions, NOW!

Once out of the meeting room, take some time to understand and decide what should be your next step. These questions may help you –

  • To what extent boss was right?
  • If yes, then how should I improve?
  • If no, do I want to work under him?
  • Or am I ready to move to another project/ department or search a new job?

If you are convinced that your performance was the core reason for this bad appraisal, then start focussing on the improvements. Plan and master very assigned task, deliver your best. You can also take help of your colleagues or your boss in improvising your performance.

Contrastingly, if you disagree with your boss and want to part-ways, we advise you to wait. You should stay in this job if you have a meagre experience of one-two years. In any case, “quit” is not the solution for this problem. However, as an experienced professional, you may commence your job search.

Meet your boss, meet frequently!

If you have decided to work hard and dedicatedly, you need to meet your boss at least once a month to discuss your performance. This meeting should be conducted exclusively to gauge your performance and measure the accuracy or rightfulness in the tasks performed. Another benefit of this meeting is that you keep improving, monthly and not when you encounter a disheartening appraisal.

Life is big!

Having dealt with this appraisal, now remind yourself that you have it enlarge your professional picture. This can be done through your performance, development of skill set and so on. So start working on it, and start today. Let this appraisal be the one and only bad patch in your professional history, which you rectified and moved ahead.

We hope we have victoriously healed your wounds and charged you up for that best Employee trophy.

However, if you still want to quit your current job, remember, we at Resume Builder are happy to help you with best resumes. Connect with us on:

E :
Line 1 : +91-9970318611
Line 2 : +91-7755901241


Renuka Dabhade

Top work from home option for women

Top Work From Home options for women


Jobs, Career, Placement, Big MNC’s, most of us have heard the buzz words during college while entering our teens. With a shadow of support from our parents life seemed to be a piece of cake back then.

But eventually for some of us life happens and takes a toll and the first thing most of us jeopardize is our career. Be it for our family, parental care, baby or marriage. As rightly believed “It’s never too late to follow your dreams”, search the internet, there are so many inspirational stories of women kick starting their career at later stage of life, some after battling cancer or getting out of a disturbed marriage or after charting out time from household chore, the list could go on.

Getting back in the corporate world with a permanent job can be a bit challenging for some women. But with the arrival of online jobs, women can still opt to work from home and add few extra shillings to their livelihood. However occupied a women is with her personal work, it is never advisable to get out of touch from the corporate world. Trying a different genre is far better than completely closing the system, which have been accompanying you in your professional journey. To start with, look for your area of interest and try out the different work options available on the internet. In India there are various portals (Jobsforher, Sheroes, naree, indianmoms and many more) that are exclusive for women and provide all sorts of opportunities be it full time or part time. For women to choose according to their individual work-life balance goals, there are multiple options available on the internet. Here is a list of work from home options that one can opt for.

Blogging/Resume Writing

Blogging is an online action implied for individuals who appreciate composing. So in the event that you cherish composing and collaborating with individuals on different points, then this is an awesome choice. You can make a blog page for yourself and publicize on different sites through a few affiliations. Keep in mind that your blog ought to be remarkable and comprises of fascinating substance. On the off chance that you know the skill of composing a resume putting the correct words at the correct spots, you could turn into a resume author and acquire extraordinary entireties telecommuting. There are sites prepared to pay extraordinary measures of cash per continue.

Vacation Planner

Cordiality is a noteworthy business today. So in the event that you appreciate arranging and sorting out get-aways, then this is your ideal employment. Along these lines you can help individuals arrange their fantasy get-aways. This should be possible by partner yourself with a travel site where individuals come searching for outing counsels. The vast majority of the work should be possible on the web and via telephone.

Online Fitness Coach

Wellness has turned into a noteworthy worry in this day and age. Fitness coaches are practically losing their significance since individuals have begun searching for well-being related data on the Internet. In such a situation, there is a radical new prerequisite for online wellness mentors. Online wellness mentors telecommute and give individuals well-being related counsel. Keeping in mind the end goal to be an online wellness mentor, you should have some involvement in calorie tallying, online rec center sessions and exercise direction.

Dialect Translator

If you are great with dialects or love to learn distinctive dialects, then you can telecommute as an interpreter. You can apply at a distributing firm and join as an interpreter. You can begin by interpreting writings or reports that they allocate you from home and email them back. You can look into about a dialect and learn it on the web; after you are finished with the interpretation, all you have to do is email it to the customer.

Online Shop Owner

With web based shopping destinations assuming control over the Internet, we think this an impeccable choice for each lady. You can open an online store by making a site for yourself. You don’t have to plan the outfits in light of the fact that a large portion of the online stores have a gathering of things that have been purchased from everywhere throughout the Internet. Make your own particular accumulation and promote it through web-based social networking locales, for example, Facebook and Twitter. Another favorable position of this business is that you can open a store of your decision – mold, home style, shoes, magnificence items et al. Sounds intriguing,

Search Engine Evaluator

Organizations like Google and Yahoo! give you data to scan for, and you disclose to them how nearly their outcomes coordinated what you were searching for. Does a scan for Arijit Singh turn up destinations about the music gathering or connections to pre–kargil War period data? If you are Punjabi, for instance, you may be made a request to seek the way a Punjabi speaker may play out a hunt in English. Occupations are normally between 10 to 25 hours seven days.

Corporate English Trainer

Students in nations including Japan, Korea, France and Germany are searching for English speakers to hone with. Sessions concentrate on things like making proficient casual conversation or running a meeting (mentors are given specifics on the most proficient method to instruct every subject, and are likewise prepared themselves for two days before beginning the occupation). Lessons occur either via telephone or on a live Internet video benefit like Skype—in some cases around evening time, since you’re working with understudies in various time zones. You have to focus on at least 20 hours seven days at predictable circumstances, and can fill in upwards of 35 hours.

Get paid for clicking ads

With regards to least demanding approach to gain cash on web then advertisement clicking work goes ahead the top. Here you can gain cash by essentially tapping the promotions and view the advertisements for 15-30 seconds. You can without much of a stretch earn Rs.5000-Rs.10000 every month.

Affiliate Marketing:

In case you need to end up plainly rich by working hard then affiliate marketing is the best choice for you. There is an awesome capability of profiting from partner showcasing. There are a huge number of sites on web that give subsidiary projects. You can join your preferred subsidiary projects and advance their items. You can make up to half by offering the results of the sponsors. You don’t have to stress over keeping up the items, shipment, client taking care of and so forth. Some of mainstream member projects are Amazon, Flipkart, Clickbank, VCommission and so on.


Amrita Kolay



As long as you as an individual… can convince yourself that in order to move forward as best you can you have to be optimistic, you can be described as ‘one of the faithful,’ one of those people who can say, ‘Well, look, something’s going to happen! Let’s just keep trying. Let’s not give up.


Nobody needs to be average yet by definition the vast majority fall into that category. Break out of the mold and do some work that isolates you from whatever remains of the pack. The force of conviction is stunning. That can be both great and terrible. In the event that you accept you’re average you will unavoidably remain average. In any case, on the off chance that you trust you can be awesome, entry ways will begin to open. Put some exertion into persuading yourself that you’re not simply one more average individual. Persuade yourself that being normal is a farthest point you force on yourself, and continue advising yourself that you are boundless.

The most ideal situation is for what you’re after to come to you. Achievement is greatly appealing, so one of the most ideal approaches to draw in what you need is by exhibiting your prosperity. Demonstrate to any individual who meets you that you fall in the “better than expected” class. In the event that you need somebody to consider you for your fantasy work, make it a point to demonstrate them why you’re that individual’s fantasy representative. The sharpest, easiest approach to do that is to dependably invest your best effort.

Being average can often equate to being, well, lazy. In the event that you know you can fulfill all the more yet pick not to apply genuine exertion and transcend your companions, the shoe most unquestionably fits. You may not let go from your position, but rather you beyond any doubt aren’t getting that huge advancement. In case you’re just trying, you’ll just discover negligible achievement. To get further in life you have to truly put in the work. In the event that you choose things are “sufficient” you will rapidly wind up getting to be distinctly stagnant. In the event that you continue revealing to yourself that you can improve, you will turn out to be better. However, there are other individuals attempting to end up distinctly more than normal, as well, so you need to work…

Start Thinking: Most fruitful individuals are not Harvard graduates, nor are they more brilliant than the normal individuals. They simply think greater than the rest. Preparing to stun the world costs nothing and requires nothing of you. Once an idea sticks, begin little and iron out the wrinkles as you come.

HOW TO BE MORE THAN AVERAGERepeat the routine: Famous, happy and content people repeat the routine longer than average people. They continue rehashing commonplace errands and the fatigue superior to others. In the event that you become ill and tired of doing likewise again and again and quit, you practically went back to square one.

Hold Your Ground: Successful individuals realize what they need out of their exertion, while normal individuals are indistinct about what they need. Once the objective has been lazed, they keep out all diversions that may control them off kilter. You have to keep out these diversions in the event that they are not adjusted to with you need to accomplish. Figure out how to state no, notwithstanding when they originate from friends and family.

Start Believing: Top Leaders are not stressed over the “hows” of completing things. They concentrate on what they have to do. As far as possible plausibility, yet the “whats” extend it. You need to accept what you set out to accomplish is conceivable and possible. You would prefer not to be restricted or threatened by the points of interest of completing it. The “hows” normally unfurl when the time is correct.

Take Risk: Successful people take more risk than average people. They don’t show misfortunes in their psyche before they lose. They concentrate on the wins on the off chance that they succeed. Everything worth doing includes hazard yet you can limit chance through appropriate arranging and having emergency courses of action set up.

Look for Advice: Intelligent individuals know who to seek advice from, whereas average people get advice from just about anyone. It is genuine you need to ask somebody who has let’s not go there again for exhortation, yet it is more critical to ask somebody who has done that with honesty.

Laud Yourself: Stop and take in the pleasant ambiance. Be glad for what you have done, not what you haven’t done. Being normal is being nauseated with everything constantly. A rock falling on the trail is sufficient to get individuals’ athletes in a tangle. None of us knows the significance of life, and who realizes what wild, insane experience comes next in our reality.

Be superior to anything your associates by being occupied with what you’re doing. Wipe out all diversions by finding a quiet situation. Cut out a place for yourself that is free from the general requests of your everyday life so you can simply take every necessary step. The best thing you can do is discover some place calm, yet regardless of the possibility that you are working in a disordered you can block everything out with a couple of earphones and the correct music.

Now and again, all the little occasions that happen appear like they don’t mean anything. Normal individuals don’t trust that minutes in time are associated. They trust that something is either great or awful. Actually everything is associated, and you require great, awful and nothing minutes to succeed. Every occasion in your reality connects up earlier musings in your mind, signifying something imperative.

What that something critical is may not be known yet, but rather it will uncover itself on the off chance that you decline to settle for fair. Continue rehearsing your propensities and continue check off objectives. At absolute bottom, it can feel like there is no point, yet there is. There is an indicate everything, you simply don’t have any acquaintance with it yet, and shouldn’t.

Normal can likewise mean imperceptible. On the off chance that you just do what is asked of you, there’s no purpose behind individuals not to overlook you. Individuals will recollect that you if what you do is significant, so create work of such a high caliber, to the point that it’s absolutely impossible it or you can be overlooked. One trap is to ensure what you offer is particular from what any other person does. Figure out how to create things that are really one of a kind. You can’t be normal in case you’re unique.


Amrita Kolay

You thought you had the best resume… wait until you read this!

best resume

You thought you had the best resume… wait until you read this!

You will get only one chance of making a first impression… how you want that to be?

The obvious answer is “Lasting Impression”!

Yes, you don’t just want it to be a good impression, but a lasting one!

In a bid to make this lasting best impression, you will pour every possible event of your life and achievements. You are definitely confident about this and will start applying to those dream jobs that you have been waiting for.

Your recruiter didn’t like your life history and colourfully painted events along with achievements. Oops! There is a hitch in here and you didn’t even realize this.

We will tell you what was wrong in your resume that your recruiter rejected it. To ease your stress we have jotted the issues/ demerits of your resume in pointers below:

First trouble starts with the file format

You are a huge fan of either of MS Word/ Text/ Google docs and sent your significant document in any of this format; it’s a bit unprofessional. The ideal format is the Adobe PDF as it allows all the readers to read your document with making any changes or requesting you for permission to view it.

Let’s peek into the resume now

Your email address could be

A title of your hobby or the anything favourite showcases an unprofessional view. For instance,

This mail id reflects your love for cricket, but why would your recruiter be interested in this?

We suggest you to create a professional mail id exclusively for professional purposes, like job search and so on.

Story of my life

It is very important to understand what should be included and excluded from a resume. A recruiter may not be interested in reading your life story or everything that you have done academically and professionally. Write only what is relevant for the position that you are applying. Forget the rest.

Your creativity

It your resume and not a personal letter, so be explicitly professional here. There are many amongst us who get immensely creative in their resume, for “no-reason”. The resume is for professional purpose, so follow a common font, at the same time you can change the size of the font and also highlight headings. Unless you are a designer or photographer, don’t include your art work here.

Excess of academics and common skills

Yes, it happens! You have completed an MBA but are still bolstering about your high school rank or achievements. Ideally, you should include only your Bachelors and post Graduate degree.

Additionally, to showcase your skilful professionalism, you may include most common skills such as Computer knowledge, typing speed, effective communication and so on. Your resume must talk about your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to get an interview call else you will be amongst the commoners.

Off the formatting

Your creativity strikes again! The professional resume must follow a consistent formatting pattern. This affects the visual effect of the document and if undone, it will exhibit an unorganized side of you.

I, Me and Myself

You are the whole and sole person applying here and it’s obvious that your resume will talk only about yourself. In this case, you don’t need “I”, “Me” and “My” i.e., first person words. For instance, I managed the key business accounts

Instead – Handled key business accounts

Your daily KRAs

That’s the least you can include in your resume. Like mentioned above, your resume should have your USPs. Your profile will obviously state your daily activities. If you are a manager and your resume says – Monitored day-to-day operations

Therefore, try and emphasize on your additional tasks and responsibilities; from previous work experience stress on your achievements, it will give more weight age to your resume.

Having read this, now go and make changes to your resume; if stuck, let Resume Builder do the work for you, while you relax!


Renuka Dabhade

How to Make Your LinkedIn Attractive

How to make your LinkedIn

How to Make Your LinkedIn Attractive

With over 400 million people on the network, LinkedIn is quickly gaining popularity to connect with people from the professional arena. More and more people are joining LinkedIn to connect with people in similar or new line of work, to share views, ideas, and best practices. As digitization takes over, companies are turning to the internet to search for suitable candidates. They no longer have to contend with local talent, as the internet allows them to search from a global, wider pool of talent with more skills suited for the job.

Incidentally, LinkedIn has also emerged as a new platform for hiring managers to scout for potential candidates. And it’s not just the smaller ones, the big guns are also all-out on their candidate hunt on LinkedIn. This is quickly becoming more and more attractive since LinkedIn has turned out to be quite an economical means to advertise jobs and search for candidates, while simultaneously creating a global footprint for the organization. There’s basically zero cost of global job advertising, and a much better chance of finding the right fit for the job.

Which is why there is an increasing emphasis among professionals to brush up, improve, and enhance their online presence on LinkedIn, to make them stand apart from the myriad of people looking to get a job. True, a good profile offers a much better chance of getting selected for an interview, or at the least, reviewed by a hiring manager rather than a nearly empty or irrelevant profile. This is not to say that filling up the profile with too much content would generate better responses, but yes, an adequately presented LinkedIn presents more opportunities than a non-existent profile.

As mentioned earlier, a LinkedIn profile does not need to be content-heavy to put the point across. A good LinkedIn profile is as much about representation, as it is about content. Through this article, we aim at decoding the factors that contribute in creating a LinkedIn presence that not only amplifies the interest in your profile, but also serves as a succinct online resume that you can readily use to apply for jobs.

Content Quality

First and foremost, a LinkedIn needs to be a career summary and not an autobiography. This means that you need to strictly filter the amount and type of content that goes into a LinkedIn, since this is a public profile, and many people can access it. Include highlights of your responsibilities and career for every section, rather than simply copy-pasting your resume on to LinkedIn. This gives the reader (in this case a potential recruiter) sufficient information to initiate contact with you, while at the same time leaving room for detailed queries for your role at an interview. Too much information simply puts off a reader into going further into your profile. Lastly, the content should be grammatically sound with no scope for errors.

Important Sections

This varies from individual to individual, but on a broader perspective, an ideal LinkedIn should have the following sections completed: Headline, Summary, Experience, Skills, and Education. A good headline should be an indicative of what your key skills are, rather than simply putting up your recent designation. That is way too lazy. Similarly, the Summary and Experience section need to be completed with qualitative content, and as stated above, should give away information sufficient for a recruiter to get in touch with you. The skills section need to have your core expertise areas in the form of relevant keywords, and not phrases or sentences. For experienced people, it is ideal to include more of job-related skills as opposed to soft skills, since the latter is implied. For freshers, it is recommended that more of soft skills be included to showcase their abilities to quickly adapt to surroundings.


An approach in creating content for LinkedIn is equally important as the representation and content quality. How you wish to portray yourself plays a key role in defining peoples’ view of you. A good LinkedIn profile would ideally represent you, instead of the organization you are working in, and do so in a slight story format. For this, you need to select your point of view – that is, the first or the third person. While a first-person account is deemed as more realistic, a third-person view is considered unbiased. It is recommended that freshers use the first-person stance, entrepreneurs use a third-person stance, while an experienced professional can choose between a first or a third-person approach. Another aspect to this is representation. Paragraph style, Bullet style, or a mix of both can be employed, depending upon the experience level, to maintain content coherency and information flow. Again, for a fresher, it is recommended to use paragraph style of writing, to make the profile appear to have some volume, while for an experienced professional, any of the three approaches can work.

Special Sections

These needs to be completed in case of special profiles. The sections under this include the other options on LinkedIn, such as Courses, Projects, Volunteer Causes, Organizations (for memberships), Publications, Posts, etc. These sections are mostly for enhancing a profile and adding value.

LinkedIn Recommendations

Recommendations serve like a virtual review of your performance to a potential recruiter. Remember how when you look up an e-commerce website to buy something, you always look for the reviews? That is identical to how LinkedIn Recommendations work. A good LinkedIn recommendation should ideally have specific information to depict your skill areas, while being human and realistic at the same time. Additionally, another aspect of recommendations is a healthy balance on the reviews you’re getting. Too many reviews as against the number of connections, or too less compared to your overall profile connections, both raise concern and are potential red flags. To avoid this, either restrict your connections to people you know, or have recommendations from people you have worked for or with. This contributes a lot in establishing the genuineness and honesty of the reviews, and is a win-win for you as well.

In the end, a good LinkedIn profile will go a long way in uncovering new and exciting opportunities and avenues for you.


Amrita Kolay

Job Loss – Why You Shouldn’t Blame The Employer, And Retrospect Instead


Job Loss – Why You Shouldn’t Blame The Employer, And Retrospect Instead

“You’re fired” these words spell dread for any working individual, and bring with them a flood of emotions. One of life’s most stressful experiences, losing a job brings an apprehensive feeling for an individual, with questions and anxiety regarding what the future holds for them. While most people stress out and start blaming the company/employer for the situations, only a few truly delve deeper and retrospect as to what went wrong, and why they were let go.

The stress associated with a job loss can be quite overwhelming, and has the power to knock off an individual’s self-esteem and sense of purpose. Instead of dusting off and rising to become a better version of oneself, most people often resort to the blame-game, finding faults in other people and situations, while failing to look inside of them and resolve the issues or shortcomings.

While it is perfectly okay to lament at the loss of the job, it is very important to remember that a job or a career doesn’t define a person’s identity. Differentiating between one’s self-worth from the job is equally important. Additionally, it is also to be noted that the employer is not always at fault for one’s job loss; perhaps there were errors on the individual’s end that led to their firing from the job. One needs to reconsider, if they knowingly or accidentally, committed those mistakes which led to their subsequent termination from the organization.

Although these reasons may vary from company to company, a few common, collective reasons why someone could get fired are listed below. One can check and see if their firing was due to any of these reasons, so that they do not commit these mistakes again:

  1. Lying on a résumé or job application

The old proverb, “a half truth is a whole lie”, fits perfectly well in any given scenario. Some people resort to lying or telling half-truths to gain employment, such as inflating achievements, skills, or qualifications to appear better than the other candidates. While this may work for a while, it can come back to haunt a candidate in case the existing company decides to go for a thorough background check, and finds out that a candidate has majorly lied on their résumé. While a minor discrepancy in stating facts on a résumé might not be concerning, a major difference in facts might lead to termination of employment by the employer.

  1. Posting on/leaking confidential company information on social media

While most of the companies are fine with a candidate’s presence on social media during office hours, some companies either forbid it completely or partially as part of company policy, which they ensure is well known to all current and prospective employees. Despite well-versed with this, if an employee knowingly uses social media during office hours or posts sensitive/confidential information without the company’s prior consent, then they might face termination from employment.

  1. Using company assets/property for personal gains/consumption/work

In most companies, use of internal assets/property is strictly forbidden for personal usage. If a candidate is found using company assets/property for materializing their own gains, they might face severe punishment, including losing the job with immediate effect.

  1. Stealing, Misconduct, or taking long/useless/unproductive breaks

Theft, misbehavior, cheating, and lying to the company, if discovered, are liable for warranting a job termination on the spot. Additionally, taking constant, longer breaks from work that are unproductive and serve as a useless expenditure for the company might also become a reason for an employer to let go of an employee. Small, well-timed breaks are not a cause of concern; in fact, most companies encourage taking small breaks in between work to allow employees to refresh and work at their peak productivity; but if one is taking regular, extended breaks for most of their office time, then they can be terminated.

  1. Falsification/Misrepresentation of company records

Another reason why someone could be fired is prolonged or continuous misstatement of company records and reports. This involves painting an entirely different picture of the company than reality, and constitutes to fraud for stakeholders and general public. This includes inflating or deflating company profits/losses, hiding public information, misleading investors/stakeholders/public regarding the company’s core business or agenda, and more. If an employee is caught directly or indirectly participating in misrepresenting or falsifying company records for personal gains, then they can be terminated on spot.

  1. Insubordination, Poor Performance, and Policy Violation

Continuous poor performance and the inability to follow allocated direction/work can also be a reason for employees to get fired, as no company wants to work with people who waste internal resources and negate productivity. Additionally, serious violations of key company policies can also result in employees being let go of their job.

  1. Drug/Alcohol possession or consumption during working hours

This is a serious offense; while most companies allow light alcohol consumption during informal company events or parties, almost all of them prohibit consumption or possession of drugs and alcohol within the office premises, as it inhibits and hinders a person’s ability to work and concentrate properly. One can easily be fired on the grounds of alcohol or drug possession in office.

  1. Rendering damage to company property

Inflicting serious damage to company assets and property intentionally can also be grounds for termination. While unintentional damage might be let go with a fine or salary deduction, an intentional damage to a company’s property will not only get a pink slip, but might also warrant a police case, if the company deems fit.

As mentioned previously, lamenting a job loss is fine, but before blaming anyone, one should think if the problem lies within, as opposed to outside. If one is guilty of any of the above reasons and has been fired from their respective job, then instead of blaming, they should focus on improving their skills and qualities, and consider not repeating the mistake in a new organization. A job termination is not the end of the world; the skills and qualities one possesses can get them far ahead in life, provided they work on shaping the best aspect of their personality. As such, it is best if one moves ahead with introspection and a promise of a better future for themselves.


Amrita kolay

Achieved seniority in career? Hire a Resume Write & see the change

Leadership Resume WriterAchieved seniority in career? Hire a Resume Write & see the change

In this scorching heat, are you wandering in the job market?

We know it’s expensive, it takes dry-cleaning your formal (lucky) outfits, traveling and the list goes on…!

Any luck? If the answer was yes, you would not be here, reading this!

Allow us to unburden your worries to some extent here.

Have you heard about Garry? With raised eyebrows, you might be wondering who that is.

Forget the rest; what is important for you is that he landed five job interviews in a row and now he is baffled where to go

Well you could be Garry… read on

Garry had spent almost seven years and was at a senior level in his incumbent organization, this is Garry’s usual story alike any of you. He hated his office location, commute, office food, colleagues, and top of it his boss. Garry’s company compensated him with standard salary, which was insufficient for his monthly expenses and he couldn’t beat the ever-rising inflation. He was helplessly witnessing his “boss-favourite” colleagues moving-up the hierarchy. As a result, Garry was trying his best to prove the best resource in the job market using his writing skills and fancy words. However, this wasn’t helping him at all. He somehow managed to get one telephonic round of interview. The questions, based on his self-written resume, confused him and he couldn’t answer his merits properly. Obviously, he never heard from the company again.

Shattered Garry got back to his job search on the internet; he saw an advertisement of a Resume Writer and quickly clicked on it. That is the imperative click that got Garry five job-interviews.

You may or may not be as depressed as Garry. You may love your profile but might be missing on something in your career that has brought you to read this.

YOU: Garry hired a Resume Writer, so what? Why should I hire one?

Reason 1

You were always off English Grammar/ Writing and that’s why you went on the other side of languages. Thus, you chose accounts or engineering or any other side of academics. It’s not that the HR of your dream company is looking for an English or language expert, but to understand your experience, achievements, and awards, they should receive your clear and lucid resume in a professional format. This is what Professional Writer of Resume Builder will do for you.

Reason 2

Your resume might be narrating an old story, to the hiring managers. At this senior level, the experience you have gained has a lot to flaunt than your usual day-to-day tasks. Even if you are showcasing the experience or the achievements, it may not be catching the attention due resume’s unclear/ old format/ layout. It’s a time to renew and revamp it, sit back and let Resume Builder take care of it.

Reason 3

Alike old Garry you are waiting for an interview call, however, the wait is never-ending. That’s the apathy of the eager seekers like you in the competitive job market. You are confident of your impeccable academics, skills, experiences, and achievements; your resume needs to demystify all the facts accurately in a professional and lucid pattern. This is the obstacle in getting the interview calls or e-mails, change it!

Reason 4

You love precise writing and have used the same to summarize your academics, achievements etc., on one page. Precise writing is good, but not always; you must detail few things in your resume to give a better understanding to the reader. For instance –

Resume of Senior Manager at ABC Ltd

  • Excellent presentation skills

Replaced with

  • Acknowledged for articulate business presentations to the Chairman of the company

Now you know which one is better.

Reason 5

Manger – Jobless – Manger – Senior Manager

Is this your story?

You may have left your well-established profile to manage your personal life and that has created a “pause” in your career history. You cannot change it but can present it in such a way that hiring manager understands your past situation and focuses on your current role. And a professional Writer can do this, give it a try!

In all, Garry did not work hard but worked smart. Well, that’s the mantra of the decade, abide by this and move-up the career ladder.

After all “Effort is important, but knowing where to put effort makes all the difference.”


Renuka Dabhade

Are you in a miserable job? Your escapade plan is here

Are you in a miserable job? Your escapade plan is here


Do you feel like being stuck in a golden cage or just a cage? Many of us are working only to earn the livelihood, in their high-paying jobs, such employees are stuck in the golden-cage while others dissatisfied with their salary are stuck in the cage. You knowingly or unknowingly might be trapped in the cage, working for the salary day and looking forward to holidays.

We insist you to read Jim’s story here…

Jim a qualified post-graduate with over five years of experience was working in a financial firm as Relationship Manager. High incentives, commissions, luxurious official trips and parties were part of his routine.

Boss’ not-so-favourite Jim woke-up with same thought every morning “How many days to weekend/ holiday?” Commute to the office, listening to favourite music made him feel better. Jim managed his responsibilities well but was day-dreaming most of the time. He felt lost, disconnected and dissatisfied; his strengths remained unutilized. Audacious Jim went upto his Manager to discuss the issues and in a bid to bring a solution, however, it was an unsuccessful attempt.

Jim’s brief story that made us recall our start-to-end of the day and made us realized who is in the cage and who is working passionately. If you relate yourself to Jim, read on to find out what Jim did next –

Step 1 – Source of unhappiness

Jim tried to determine what was making him unhappy, his boss, work-place/ environment or his career path overall. If it was the three first options, switching company is the solution and thus, get-set-go for updating your Resume, uploading and applying to the best opportunities. Start with LinkedIn, make contacts, and create a network and so on.

However, Jim’s fuss was his career path. In that case, usual job search will do-no-good to him.

Step 2 – Savings = Live-Saver

Jim’s apathy was mounting, so was his quest to get rid the incumbent job as well as career. However, being used to a pricey lifestyle, Jim decided to trim his expenses by more than 50%. He decided to move to a cheaper apartment, less or no shopping and due focus on “What’s Next?”

Alike Jim, if you are thinking of switching your career path, first take a look at your bank balance and liabilities/ responsibilities. It is said that, when you leave existing work profile without a new job in hand, keep minimum four-month salary in your savings account.

This important tip will help you survive during “no-job-search” period.

Step 3 – What’s Next?

Having realized his source of unhappiness, Jim started taking time-off in evenings or weekends to determine his “what’s next?” This wasn’t an easy task; after all, he was making a tricky and risky decision. Jim, therefore, decided to make this quest more comprehensive and scientific. He began with writing down his passion, researching on that or even newer career options in the similar arena, and took few personality tests. Jim found his passion in travelling; his next task was to ensure sufficient/ satisfactory salary. Switching career from A to B, without any experience, makes you a fresher. Jim knew he will have to start from zero with minimal or no salary.

Step 4 – Build-up your courage

Do you have the courage to escape that golden-cage? Even Jim had great difficulty in calling it “quit” As the usual process, Jim’s boss and the Human Resource Manager tried to examine the situation and offered him the so-called “carrot” i.e., higher package/ incentives and so on. Anyone like Jim will be baffled, whether to follow passion or continue with the same firm with more-than-even lucrative package

A question popped in confused Jim’s mind “What if I die tomorrow?” On my death bed, do I have any memories, happiness, the satisfaction of living a love/fun-filled life?

The answer was negative.

Thus, Jim turned-down the offers and decided to walk away.

Step 5 – new Life new Goals

Jim, after serving his notice period, was a free-man with dreams of travelling the world, exploring the life on the other side of the planet. He started with small goals in his bigger picture. The first goal was to find a job that will fulfill his passion whilst earning him some amount.

Five years from that day, Jim is now successfully leading his own travelling and tourism company. He has traveled many places, yet his to-do and visit list is lengthy.

If you feel Jim, take the hint, dream big but set small goals, follow the steps and remember –

“Love what you do and do what you love. Don’t listen to anyone else who tells you not to do it. You do what you want, what you love. Imagination should be the centre of your life.” Ray Bradbury


Renuka Dabhade

Rescue yourself from never-ending Job Search

Rescue yourself from never-ending Job Search

Job Search

Irrespective of the level of your career progression, the job hunt has never been an easy task; it renders us into deep frustration and irritation. Let’s agree on this, we all have faced several problems whilst searching our desired profile with location and salary. Many times, we may have compromised on either of the crucial factors to get the remaining in place. Have you ever wondered what keeps you away from that “perfect” employment opportunity? What if the answer is “YOU”?

True that, you may not believe this; for better understanding, we will demystify the common scenarios, problems and their solutions –

Alike any other fresh graduate Abby has cleared her undergraduate program and is on her toes for a desired work profile. Her day starts with checking e-mails and job portals, sending the applications and cover letters, and finally ends with exhausting interview rounds. In this scenario, the answer could be “this is every freshers’ struggle”.

On the other hand, we have Jenny who has worked for five years in an organization and is now on her never-ending job search path. Despite her experience, the job search is a tedious process for Jenny.


Having read about Abby and Jenny, we all have one thing in our mind “been there, done that”.  Let’s now understand every possible obstacle in the path and its bypass route –

Lesson 1 – Focus on your forte’s best profile

The tech-savvy job-seeker has ample of options to hunt job from and/ or grow into. You may use various online portals or professional social mediaLinkedIn, newspapers, employer websites, job boards, and industry or networking events. These are the basic or the foremost options that job-seeker uses and the list can extend to dozens of similar platforms. In this cumbersome journey, we keep shifting our focus instead of concentrating on the best. As a result, the job search becomes a never-ending task.

Another issue that some of the job-seeker faces is the lack of direction for their desired profile. In their incumbent profile, they may handle a bit of every domain and thus, end-up applying for different profiles.

Lesson 2 – Brand yourself 

Remember you are a product in the job-market and have to put-in every single effort to pitch yourself. Thus, you must have or create a story line; craft your niche and highlight your uniqueness. Instead of job listing like any other candidate, showcase your journey from academic to professional stint, emphasize your achievements and above all where are you heading now.

Lesson 3 – What’s your USP

Since you have to pitch yourself in the job-market, you need to have a Unique Selling Power (USP). Here, you may write about how your innovative idea saved cost, how your initiative made a positive difference, how your strategy saved the time of your fellow colleagues and so on. If you are fresher, you can write about your college projects, your inventions, active participation or leadership in events and so on.

Lesson 4 – Know your Hirer

The traditional recruitment process is tedious, many a times candidates resume is rejected or turndown before it reaches the actual Hiring Manager. At times, even after applying through various processes, the candidates are unclear on the status of their recruitment. Therefore, it is essential to know who your Hiring Manager is and, if possible, approach directly to them for getting better results. LinkedIn has eased this task to a greater extent.

Lesson 5 – Structure your Resume 

A significant factor in job-search is having a precise, concise and yet a detailed resume, to catch the attention of the Hiring Manager. If the resume if too long or too short, with the lack of accomplishments (story/ USP), it may go into “hold” or “reject” folder. Thus, to create an impression, brand yourself or hire a professional agency like “Resume Builder” to take-care of this task for you.


Renuka Dabhade



Fresher Career services

“Youths are the pillars of Nation”, we have often heard the top leaders, politicians and successful entrepreneurs mention the line in their speeches. But they never demonstrate enthusiasm on using the young manpower for the improvement of the country. They generally discuss, however never take any initiative. Each Fresher is having intense time finding a vocation they truly need. Larger part of organisations are enlisting applicants on the premise of references as opposed to the ability and potential. The meriting competitors, just appear to have their own relatives to be with them. Money muscle tussle is constantly common, at whatever point we see work opening, there’s dependably a prerequisite segment which says “Experience… least of 3 years.’

Why don’t they comprehend that today’s Experienced Personnel too were once been the Freshers. The fresh pass outs ought to get chance initially, and afterward just they will get involvement. Situation is that new graduates need to sit tight for a long period of time to land a decent position or else the fresh graduate must be exceptionally brilliant.  But what about the average? Here is a look about why exactly they are struggling to land in their dream jobs.

Job Seeker


Gone are the days when just completing any graduation was more than enough to get on with your career. On an average the number reach up to lakhs when we count the number of fresh graduate, out of which nearly 40 % of the Indians remain unemployed even after the one year of their graduation. Since Technology or market is changing each month and each quarter so there is no preparation framework in preparing anybody in these new advancements. For whatever length of time the new graduates don’t read books to learn new advancements and innovations that are not educated in educational programs, they may not get an opportunity to join an organization.


Shocking but true, the pattern of landing positions utilizing references is still a preferred method of getting a decent job. There have been a few cases wherein normal average students have occupations in top organizations since they have father or uncle working there as boss or supervisor; whereas bright students are still jobless on the grounds that they don’t have a strong reference or enough money to give as bribe. Either ways, an uncalled for and out of line condition is being made which is in the end making the current circumstance grimmer.


Light bulbs were not invented by improving candles, it was done because long back in 1800, Edison believed in his work and took calculated risk.  While a company has to prioritize maintaining its systems and enhancing its products, this is not true innovation. Not only light bulb, if we look around more than we see so many such inspiring personalities who believed and took the step towards their dream. Most of the new graduate are like hoards of sheep, with a little zeal to try out new ventures, explore their potential or take risk.


When any organization makes a preparation framework in any new innovation, the innovation may either advanced to another one or totally obsolete. So there are tons and huge amounts of occupations accessible with the IT Industry and the Fresh Graduates ought to produce an enthusiasm for the product innovations and learn them all alone and go to the meeting. The best thing to land a position for a crisp graduate is to pick a couple books on an innovation and ace an innovation as far as ideas and in addition composing a couple of hundred projects around there. At that point organizations will be frantic to take them.


Governmental authorities ought to find ways to settle the issue of unemployment for the new graduates. The opportunity has already come and gone the administration stand firm to help the newly graduated experts for getting set in better than average organizations. Government needs to intercede and help these experts with a better than average break.


The competition in the corporate world if hands on, so there is no point in clinging to the old resume formats used by your seniors or elder siblings. The industry is fast changing, the sooner one realises this the better it is. Job hunting is a tough game especially when you are entering the zone for the first time. One dubious advantage most of the experienced professional gets is, they hire professionals who helps them to keep their resumes polished and know how to tailor cover letters in the blink of an eye.

Having said that, it’s not all true that Freshers have not been hired at all. New graduates are taken as learner in the vast majority of the huge private organisations, and some are additionally doing well. Be that as it may, in the event that you discuss the developing organizations, they may not bear the cost of the advantage of taking fresh pass outs as they need to prepare them and sit tight for them to convey the outcomes. Despite what might be expected, less preparing is required for the experienced candidate than Freshers which mean sparing of time and assets for the organization. Furthermore, experienced applicants know the environment and conduct of the organization.

Dominant part of HR Consultancies consider that accomplished competitors are better. Or, then again perhaps not but rather it is anything but difficult to take choice for any organization to choose experienced competitor than Freshers. Any HR Consultancy doesn’t welcome the Fresher’s CV since they too are working for procuring and for satisfying the necessities of the organization. So the solution is very clear and simple, while still at college one can enhance their skills by clearing certification, gaining internship experience, adding new skills and staying up to date with latest trends and techniques.

Post Author:

Amrita Kolay

Top reasons why resume length effects quality

Top reasons why resume length effects qualityQuality Resume

The key document in any job search, a resume has risen as the need of the hour in today’s job market. Whether you are a fresher, entry-level, mid-management, or senior leadership professional, a resume will not only become a medium to showcase your capabilities, but will also serve as a key tool in convincing a recruiter to either hire or fix up an interview with you.

A professionally crafted resume not only serves as a perfect portrayal of a candidate’s abilities, but also demonstrates their inclination on obtaining a particular role. A well-drafted resume acts as a recruiter magnet, making a candidate stand out from a crowd of similar or less deserving candidates who don’t fit with the requirements of a job.

With so much emphasis being placed on creating the perfect draft, the natural question that arises is that what do employers look for in a resume – do they seek lengthy, descriptive CVs, or do they prefer a quick-to-read resume? For this, let us quickly understand what are the two documents and the discernible differences.

Definition & Differences

A resume is a crisp and concise summary document of a candidate’s employment and academic background, as well their skills and abilities acquired over the course of the employment or academics. Modern resumes do not go beyond two to three pages at their maximum, no matter how long the employment experience is. These can be used by any professional, right from fresher to senior management professionals to apply for a job opening.

On the other hand, a CV is a comprehensive document that lists in excruciating detail, a candidate’s work history, skills, qualifications, and other professional pursuits, and is a document of unspecified length, and ideally should be more than four to five pages. In fact, the longer the CV, the better it is. This document can only be used by a professional with some experience, right from entry level to senior management professionals, and is mostly developed on demand by a job.

The length versus quality debate has been in the resume writing industry since quite long, and professional writers have varying opinions on it. While some prefer the detailed CVs, most prefer a quickly whipped and concise resume for catering to job needs. Both have their merits and demerits, which would be addressed in the subsequent part of the article.

The Quality Aspect

A resume is the initial impression that a recruiter has on a candidate, and might be the last one if it does not follow basic guidelines in drafting. A poorly conceived resume will hit the trash pile faster than you saying “job”. The prevailing preference for resume length is two to three pages; any longer and it deters the interviewer from calling you. A crisp resume offers the benefit of consideration from an employer for an interview call.

Individual companies have hiring processes that work differently. Researching the exact job applied for and tailoring the resume accordingly goes a long way – skill mapping with job requirement is literally one of the best ways to secure an interview call. Moreover, a qualitative resume will go a long way in presenting yourself as a valuable catch to the employers.

Another aspect to quality resumes is the way you present the information. A company with a formal corporate culture would prefer resumes that are simple and easy to read, while a creative job would offer more liberty to present the information. A quality resume would also comprise of highly unusual or unique skills that would be valuable to a company, and showcase your knowledge and talents.

The Length Debacle

Lengthy resumes are what professional resume writing terms as a Curriculum Vitae, since it provides an in-depth overview of experience, education, and skills over the course of several pages. Since these are in greater detail, they comprise of longer sections, and list out even the minor roles, responsibilities, and credentials at one place.

While cutting short on information in a quality resume allows a recruiter to read the key aspects of your career, a CV offers much more space in terms of expanding information related to responsibilities, achievements, academic and professional credentials, and more such things. As the career of an individual progresses, their CV will expand on the go.

A detailed CV finds its use in academic, scientific or medical fields that are looking for a more complete and comprehensive picture of a candidate. Mostly, European and Australian jobs ask for a CV, since they prefer detailing on a candidate’s professional background. For this, the additional space offered by a CV is a wonderful place to focus on a person’s skills, qualifications, and experience.


While both have their merits and demerits, what matters ultimately is their usage – use the documents that have been specified for a job opening, be it a resume or a CV. Also, a key point to keep in mind here is that while a CV might allow more room, it is advisable to not ramble, and keep it to the point so that recruiters can seek the required information easily.

Additionally, supplementing both documents with the latest and newest information is they right way, since it will enable you to apply for jobs instantly, without waiting to write down your document at the last moment. It also portrays you as an agile job seeker, who is ready to accept new responsibilities and challenges on the go


Amrita Kolay


Job Search


Whether we like to admit it or not, we have all committed some exceptionally ghastly errors amid our pursuit of employment at some point. Take Ritu, for example, who inadvertently sent a cake recipe to her application rather than her CV – yes, genuinely. (Obviously, she didn’t land the position.). We frequently catch wind of frightfulness stories like Ritu’s at the same time, luckily, they’ve never transpired. The sorts of slip-ups that we may make, then again, are far less genuine: incorrect spelling “executive” with “excutive” on our CV, for instance, or arriving five minutes late for a meeting wearing discoloured shirt. We are persuaded these mix-ups are not that unimportant. In any case, in actuality, they could be similarly as grievous as sending a cake recipe to a Fortune 500 organization.

Mistakes don’t go over well when you’re looking for new opportunities. In a competitive job market, even a grammatical mistake is sufficient to thump you out of dispute for a vocation. Doing or saying the wrong thing at a prospective employee meeting won’t help you get procured either. Raving at your supervisor in transit out the entryway may get you an awful reference that will make it harder to get employed later on. Be cautious about what you compose, what you say, how you apply and how you pitch your capabilities to businesses. Done right, it will help you get contracted. Fouled up, you’ll make your pursuit of employment a great deal even more a test.

  1. Depending Too Much on the Internet

It’s the 21st Century and, with the web so readily available, everything is done online these days: working, conveying, shopping and even job hunting. The issue here is that a large number of individuals are applying for similar employments they find on the web and transferring their CVs onto a similar occupation sheets, so rivalry is extraordinarily savage. What’s more, thinking about that as some 80 for each penny of occupations are not promoted, you might need to think about investigating different hotspots for circumstances, for example, through systems administration, going to exchange fairs and meetings, chilly calling and even straightforwardly reaching bosses.

  1. Letting Others Control Your Job Search

In case you’re attempting to win a prospective employee meeting, you might need to consider enrolling the assistance of an expert CV writer who won’t just have the capacity to enhance this very vital archive of yours additionally your odds of getting your fantasy work. Likewise, a career coach or job search expert may have the capacity to offer you some all-around educated exhortation about vocation decisions and meeting decorum. That being stated, ensure you’re generally in control of each part of your pursuit of employment. Try not to give selection representatives a chance to change your CV without your consent, for instance, and don’t give them a chance to approach organizations for your sake without your endorsement. You ought to have the last say in each choice relating to your pursuit of employment.

  1. Not Using Your Network

A lot of people feel uncomfortable reaching out to contacts in their professional network because it feels like they’re ‘utilizing individuals’. Firstly, nobody anticipates that you will request help so explicitly (‘Hey, individual I-haven’t-seen-since-secondary school, would you be able to bail me out with work in your company?’), and furthermore, there’s no disgrace in requesting help. It’s critical that you assemble and keep up a solid system of expert contacts and to enroll their help when you require it the most. Regardless of the possibility that contacting somebody in your system doesn’t specifically profit them at this moment, they will doubtlessly pick up something from the relationship sometime later. Additionally, odds would they say they are won’t feel “peculiar” about contacting you when they require something, so why would it be a good idea for you to? (Obviously, we’re not the slightest bit encouraging you to drain the dairy animals dry here.)

Job hunting

  1. Lying

Everybody can confess to lying on their CV at some point. Maybe it was asserting to talk familiar French when the main French you knew was bonjour, croissant and ooh-la-la. Perhaps it was quite recently marginally augmenting your business dates by a couple of months at an organization you laboured for a long time prior. In spite of the fact that they may appear like minuscule, minor, guiltless white deceives you, rest guaranteed that enlisting chiefs and scouts who reveal any inconsistencies between what you’ve said you’ve done and what you’ve really done won’t look positively on you. Regardless of the possibility that your lie moves beyond the contracting director and you by one means or another get yourself work, you won’t look great when reality at last turns out – and it will turn out.

  1. Not Tailoring Your CV to the Job

One of the most common CV tips you’ll comes over is fitting it to the occupation you’re applying for. You need to emerge as the ideal possibility for the employment and, unfortunately, a one-estimate fits-all CV does not fulfill that. Every CV you send ought to be custom-made to the significant organization and the particular part’s necessities. It is exhorted that you deliberately read the expected set of responsibilities to recognize any catchphrases or expressions that you can fuse into your CV, and that you highlight any work involvement and achievements that specifically identify with the position. In the interim, ensure you consider the organization’s tone, as well. A noteworthy fund organization may have a more formal culture, for instance, and will, hence, expect a more ‘expert’- sounding CV, while a gaming organization may have received a more casual culture where such a tone will make you appear to be strange.

  1. Failing to clean up their social media profile

The vast majority know that future bosses check competitors’ online social networking profiles, but numerous candidates still get rejected due to their poor online profiles. In some cases it’s not over unseemly substance, but rather different things like poor relational abilities or sharing data about past bosses. Spruce up your informal organization profiles, and ensure there’s nothing posted there that may place you in a terrible light.

Job Hunting

  1. Not Being Proactive Enough

Searching for an occupation does not just mean uploading your CV to a couple of job boards and after that sitting back until you get a welcome to a prospective employee meeting since it may never arrive. The primary run about occupation chasing is adopting a hands-on strategy and doing all that you can to land the position many. Go the additional mile and utilize your system to find somebody in the pertinent organization who may have the capacity to bail you out. Bosses love workers who are resolved, and in the event that you can show that capacity from at an early stage in the pursuit of employment process, then you’ll undoubtedly be singled out as a reasonable hopeful.

Even when the job market is tough, you shouldn’t naturally accept any job offer (unless, maybe, you’re in critical need of work right at this point). The best way to ensure work offer is reasonable is to know how much your abilities and experience are worth. Realize what compensation to request in another employment by utilizing a pay look site like PayScale or Glassdoor. That way you can maintain a strategic distance from lowball offers and arrange your pay. You ought to have a base compensation you’d acknowledge, and go for getting a higher pay as well as preferred advantages over you’re right now getting. The greatest pay transaction oversight is not doing it, so don’t be hesitant to arrange.

Post Author:

Amrita Kolay

H1B Reform Is A Threat To Indian IT Industry

H1B Visa reform

H1B Reform Is A Threat To Indian IT Industry

All through mankind’s history poverty and conflict have been our perpetual twin curses. Poverty has constantly incurred significant injury in one a player on the planet or another. Peace and war have constantly gone as an inseparable unit. They have been consistent colleagues, never to be isolated. It has been as though one won’t perceive and acknowledge riches without neediness and peace without war. Being an antiquated civilization India has seen and survived it all. Some of the time it is the charm of faraway grounds, however regularly it is destitution and shortage, total or relative, that makes Indians, much the same as other people, scan for greener fields.

A good part of the IT industry’s profitability in the US depends on the fundamentally bring down wages paid to the H1B holders that it imports from India and different nations; it depends on this prepared pool of cheap labour of India’s ideal and brightest carried into the USA on board the H1Bs–until they get their green cards and proceed onward; then the IT organizations apply for more H1B holders from India to refill the every year abandoned positions–as individuals move from “slave” labour to the open work advertise.

As of late there has been a considerable measure of hullabaloo–a constant flow of Indian IT firms communicating worries about what may be in store for the H1B visas in the unreasonably protectionist Trump Administration. The IT firms and H1B competitors are encouraging the administration to campaign the US for their sake. The legislature says it is on top of the issue and it has been in contact with the most astounding conceivable US authorities in such manner.

The foreign work visas were initially settled to help US organizations recruit from abroad when they couldn’t discover qualified nearby labourers. In any case, lately, there have been charges the projects have been mishandled to get less expensive labourers from abroad to fill employments that generally may go to Americans. The top beneficiaries of the H1B visas are outsourcers, fundamentally from India, who run the innovation divisions of substantial companies with to a great extent imported staff.

After US President’s migration shock to organizations, H1B is typically the following change which has effectively raised higher worries from Indian I.T firms. India’s one of the greatest outsourcing industry, Information Technology represents around 9.5% of the nation’s GDP and utilizes almost 3.7 million experts who could confront these #5 real dangers. The lowest pay permitted by law confine which was settled at USD 60,000 in 1989 is to be updated in Trump’s administration, which is going to enormously affect Indian IT firms in their income bases.

Indian IT organizations may confront danger of higher operational expenses as far as extending operations in other outside nations. With increment in the lowest pay permitted by law constrain in H1B visas, IT organizations may manage deficiency of talented specialists in different branches over the world. Once the administrative changes have been made in High Skilled Integrity and Fairness Act 2017, the ability deficiency may hit US-based IT organizations.

When leadership in a country (or a business so far as that is concerned) rolls out improvements in principles, strategies and capabilities, there are constantly unintended outcomes. The reason is that it is difficult to know early how far reaching changes will play out, and what the impact might be long haul. This hierarchical rule will be at the focal point of work visas and movement in the US throughout the following couple of years, as the approaching Trump administration has made it no secret that they intend to reform the H1B visa program and other migration laws. Amusingly, one of those unintended outcomes could be an expansion in the quantity of lasting permanent resident workers (green card holders) who are as of now working under H1B visas. 

What The Leaders Said:

Among 2400 IT organizations enveloped by Nasscom, a portion of the central IT organizations like Microsoft and Infosys have talked against the Bill proposition. Microsoft needs exemption to Trump’s request for workers with H1B visas, as per Fox Business Media. Infosys organizer, ‘Narayan Murthy’ has stated, “Indians ought to quit sending individuals on H1B visas and concentrate on local hiring in the US” to Indian media. Clarifying how the circumstance can be overseen he additionally included that they (Indian programming organizations) must select American occupants in the US, Canadians in Canada, British individuals in Britain and so forth. That is the main way, we can turn into a genuine multi-national organization and with a specific end goal to do that, we ought to quit utilizing H1-B visas and sending a substantial number of Indians to those nations to convey administrations,”

The Risk Involved:

Indian IT organizations may get influenced with less competitiveness in the market in contrast with other foreign based IT firms. The set rate of profitability of every representative has a tendency to get hampered with a planned patch up of groups particularly in the IT segment. A plunge in IT development in industry will prompt to a slump in speculations for which Indian IT division may not be prepared post Indian government’s demonetization drive a year ago. With the lack of expertise labourers, IT organizations may confront moderate development, which will at last effect their income era.

The proposed Trump request is additionally gone for conveying more straightforwardness to the program. It calls for distributing reports with fundamental insights on who utilizes the movement programs inside one month of the finish of the administration’s monetary year. The Obama Administration had downsized the data accessible on the projects and required Freedom of Information Act asks for a few information.


Amrita Kolay



Career Dilemma

Most of us grow up while dealing with all sorts of dilemma that life has to offer. With parents to save your back, school life often introduces us to very basic kind of dilemmas like whose tiffin to eat first, whom to choose our best friend, when to bunk among various others. After the merry school days goes then comes college and most of us automatically ends up doing B.Tech., well then only one can become like some random neighbours successful son. Talented are those who figure their passion after +2 and ends up in their respective dream college.

A great deal of times competitors are compelled to acknowledge a branch in which they are generally not intrigued by any interest. After this, once the classes start, students fail to cope up with the curriculum. What’s more, at last are left with no decision yet to quit! For a lot of students, numbers overwhelm learning. A large portion of the students believe that they have studied enough and thus would be able to manage even if they adopt the last night study method. So basically, In India our engineering colleges have following students:

  • The one who don’t comprehend what they need to do in their life, so they joined engineering college in light of the fact that every other person is doing as such.
  • The one whose family is fiscally not so solid, but rather in any case they joined engineering college by taking advances from banks or orchestrating from elsewhere.
  • Very small percentage of student who actually have their interest in engineering.

The student who lose enthusiasm for studies have a place with the initial two gatherings said above. The person who have no clue what to do by one means or another discover their field of intrigue and offer time to it. The one with family monetary issues goes in sadness and pressure that influences their reviews. Likewise there is a plausibility that these understudies have their enthusiasm for something else yet just to take care of their family issue they will undoubtedly do building.

The life of an engineering student revolves around numbers and comparative deductions. So to nourish your scientific mind, we should experience a few insights around this subject. TOI with help of Randstad dove deep into the CVs of CEOs in India to understand the educational paths taken by them. Figures demonstrate that 45% of the CEOs finished their graduation in Engineering. Out of this 45%, 78% proceeded and sought after post-graduation. Presently, incredibly out of every one of these individuals who went for post-graduation, an astounding 64% decided on a MBA degree. Out of this, 42% procured their MBA degrees from top administration schools like XLRI, IIM, Harvard, Wharton and Stanford. 

What if after getting enrolled in engineering stream, you lose interest and not end up like the examples given above?

 Don’t look for a job in another field

Nothing is more terrible than jumping before you look. Ensure you’re not getting away to a field that fits you similarly as inadequately as your last. Make sure you do an intensive self-evaluation first.

Don’tcareer choice look for cool jobs unless they’re a good fit for you

You wouldn’t attempt to crush into your thin cousin’s suit, so why attempt a field since it works for him? Individuals who are attempting to help you will go along and do what might as well be called whispering “plastics” in your ear. Rather than seizing their proposals, set aside opportunity to consider your choices. Choose what you truly need to do. When you enter a field since it’s hot, burnout isn’t a long ways behind.

Don’t Go into a Field Because Your Friend Is Doing Well in It

Research and get thorough information about the fields you’re thinking about by networking. Having enlightening meetings with graduated class from your school, partners, companions or family is a fun approach to get the scoop on various fields.

Don’t stick to possibilities

Extend your impression of what may work for you. Perused work profiles, and investigate vocation fields you find out about from self-evaluation works out.

Don’t let money be the deciding factorCareer Dilemma

There’s insufficient cash on the planet to make you glad if your occupation sometimes falls short for you. Working environment disappointment and stress is the No. 1 medical issue for working grown-ups. This is especially valid for career changers, who frequently gain less until they get their ocean legs in an alternate field.

Don’t keep your dissatisfaction to yourself or try to make the switch alone

This is an ideal opportunity to converse with individuals (likely not your supervisor at this time). Companions, family and associates need to realize what’s happening so they can help you take advantage of that extensive rate of occupations that aren’t publicized.

Don’t go back to school unless you’ve gained some experience

You’re never old for a temporary job, a volunteer understanding or attempting your hand at an agreement task in another field. There are heaps of approaches to get encounter that won’t cost you anything with the exception of your time. Another degree could possibly make the world sit up and pay heed. Be certain where you need to go before you put yourself through the torment and obligation of another degree program.

Choose placement agencies wisely

Do some exploration to make sure to locate a decent match. Ask the individuals who work in the field you’re attempting to get into or other fruitful profession changers for proposals. Attempt to locate a firm that knows how to be inventive when putting profession changers – not one that exclusively concentrates on moving individuals up the stepping stool in a similar field.

career choiceDon’t rely on a career counselor

Career counselors are facilitators, and they’ll take after your lead. They can help uncover your since quite a while ago covered dreams and gifts, yet you’ll need to do the exploration and the basic leadership without anyone else. Any individual who guarantees to guide you is risky.

Don’t expect to switch overnight

An intensive profession change for the most part will take at least six months to pull off, and the time much of the time extends to a year or more. Changing fields is a standout amongest the most fortifying things you can do. It resembles encountering youth once more, aside from with the insight of whatever age you are currently.

Post Author:

Amrita Kolay

Why is a Cover Letter Important?

Why is a Cover Letter Important?

Cover Letter sample

It goes without saying that you ought to include a cover letter when requested one, but on the other hand it’s vital to see how most selection representatives see your materials. According to surveys, most hiring managers or recruiters will view applicant’s resumes before evaluating their cover letter. If so, you should make sure to move your needs with regards to creating your “consideration grabber.” For some, composition a one of a kind introductory letter is an extraordinary chance to flaunt our individual abilities and interests. In any case, if the resume is without a doubt the most imperative report you’ll submit when applying for a vocation, you should ensure that your resume will catch and hold your potential bosses’ consideration.


In the event that you do need to present a cover letter, you should try to make a letter that has an effect rapidly. For most contracting administrators or selection representatives, there are essentially insufficient hours in the day to peruse a full-page introductory letter from every candidate. While creating a compelling introductory letter, you ought to consider using visual cues to highlight any achievements or experience that applies to the employment opportunity. It can likewise measure achievements and experience by utilizing numbers, insights, rates, or particular time spans. At last, concentrating on what you can accomplish for the organization, instead of concentrating all alone needs, will go far towards helping you get hired!

For a start, you ought to know who the last individual is. “Introductory letters ought to be routed to a man, not to a Sir/Madam, on the grounds that propelled work seekers do their exploration,” prompts Jim Bright. “Powerful introductory letters resemble trailers for movies – they set the tone, empower assist engagement and set up foresight.” So ask yourself, have you accentuated your most applicable experience/accomplishments to set up that expectation? Somewhat necessarily, then, this additionally implies each introductory letter you send ought to be diverse to the last. In the event that you have one introductory letter for all your employment applications you’re not making enough of an effort. Tailor each letter to the particular prerequisites of the position being referred to. Also, don’t commit a basic error – guarantee you determine which work you need to apply for on the grounds that huge firms will probably have various employments on offer at any given time, each with various reference codes.

Because you’ve composed an awesome letter doesn’t imply that everybody will read it. The progression of time is most clear in the cover letter’s changing organization and appearance. Nobody opens a physical envelope any longer, and even the fax has generally vanished. Your decision, then, is whether to work up a pleasantly organized Microsoft Word or PDF form and join it as page one of the CV—or, as a great many people do, isolate them into two separate reports. If you’re applying onli ne, you’ll probably just paste your cover-letter text into a box.


Consider the cover letter your first bit of expressive business composing. It’s a business instrument. It is not intended to be a rehashing of what is in your CV, or a multi-page meander on what you’ve done at work and what you need out of life. The introductory letter ought to be an obviously composed, brief, three-passage rundown that prods the reader into needing to know more about you.


First Paragraph:

This is the place you clarify how you and the reader are associated. “You’ll review that we met at the PAG 2013 meeting in USA where we had some espresso with our shared companion Dan.” Or, “I saw the ad for a senior researcher in your procedure advancement group and needed to attract your regard for my CV.” I don’t think you ought to ever compose a “To Whom it May Concern” letter, yet you will most likely be unable to keep away from it on the off chance that you are applying by means of their online application prepare.

 cover letter sample


Second Paragraph:

This is the basic passage, where you draw out the enormous weapon—your most pertinent achievement—and tempt the reader to take a gander at your CV. Here’s the place you put that to utilize. “I’m certain that the researcher you contract for process advancement should have extraordinary basic speculation aptitudes to help the organization’s program in microbial process improvement. I showed such aptitudes, to refer to one case, after my manager requesting that I settle an issue where a seat scale E. coli maturation had dropped 30% in yield, all of a sudden and without obvious cause. My approach was to take it back to shake carafes and do a bio analytical contemplate. I figured out how to enhance the media and we could get the procedure up and running once more, with a 6% expansion in throughput for the optional metabolite of intrigue.”

cover letter template

Third Paragraph:


Specialists will reveal to you that the way to an invitation to take action lies in its effortlessness, so don’t try too hard. The objective is to recommend what ought to occur next: “I would love to have a chance to meet with you or your HR business accomplice, face to face or by telephone, to talk about your organization’s needs and my fit with those requirements. Then again, I’ll be in Boston one month from now for the American Society for Microbiology meeting; I’ll check in with you in advance to check whether we can meet.” If there are any “issues” with your CV—a long crevice because of ailment, parenting, or unemployment, for instance—this is the section where those ought to be defused.

cover letter

In conclusion, keep your cover letter brief. Keep in mind, HR would prefer not to know your biography; they need to know why you’re the opportune individual for the employment. Utilize close to a page, keep it on point and kill waffle and redundancy. Keep it positive. A strong cover letter along these lines is certain to keep you from turning out to be simply one more application in the heap.

Post Author:

Amrita Kolay

Sundar Pichai’s approach That Will Change Your Perspective Towards Work

Sundar Pichai’s approach That Will Change Your Perspective Towards Work

Sundar Pichai approach

Less than four years ago, very few people outside of the tech world knew about Pichai Sundararajan, or Sundar Pichai, as he is more well-known. At one time, he was just a middle-management Googler, working as a Director of Product Development. It all changed in 2015, when Google announced that Pichai would be the leading man for all products, and the company itself. Things changed overnight, and Pichai was brought into limelight.

Today, the IIT-K – Stanford – Wharton graduate is leading the tech giant’s flag from artificial intelligence, to virtual reality; from home automation to driverless cars. The man has been much appreciated for his dedication to work, innovation, and driving teams to achieve their best. It is therefore, no wonder that he is an inspiration to millions, and individuals look up to him as a true people’s leader.

A former Google employee, who started working a year prior to Pichai, who started in 2004, notes that “Even though Pichai was smart and capable from the get-go, NO ONE would have guessed he would end up as the company’s second-in-command. He did not have an obvious flair or overwhelming charm.” So, what is it about Pichai that people find hard to resist from working for/with him?

Most of the people who are working for or have worked with Pichai vouch for his empathetic nature towards his employees. They say he actually cares about the people he works with, and is very supportive. They claim that Pichai works towards building a team rather than simply hiring people. He emphasizes on hiring or promoting the best, meritorious, and deserving people, as opposed to people who are opportunistic and political in nature, says another Googler. People want to transfer to his organization, since he has developed a reputation of being so enjoyable to work with, which stems from his ability to create and build strong teams.

There are many tales to Pichai’s supportive and motivating persona; one former Googler mentioned on Quora that while Sundar was heading the Chrome project, he visited the Mountain View office of Google, quickly introduced himself to Pichai, not thinking it would go beyond that. Not only did Sundar show an interest in his work, but went on to appreciate him for the contributions he was making towards making Google better than its competitors, even though the work was a small piece in the bigger puzzle. Another former employee notes that Pichai was one of the best people he’d worked with, adding that when he decided to leave Google for a start-up, Pichai was incredibly supportive and offered to help in any way he could.

Another aspect to Pichai’s leadership is how seamlessly he interprets Larry Page’s vision, presents to different teams, and collaborates with them to realize the dream. Once, there was a planning meeting at Google with a group of VPs and Directors from across products to discuss several secret projects, and they were all bickering. Page walked in, talked about abstract concepts and big ideas not related to the pre-set engineering roadmap, and introduced aspects the teams hadn’t expected even in their wildest thoughts. The entire room plunged into shocked silence, and Page walked out without getting a single question. Seconds later, Pichai walked in and simplified everything for the team. Post meeting conclusion, he talked to all teams individually, and helped them understand the future roadmap on which they were to proceed together.

Sundar is also noted for his amicable nature, humility, and sheer brilliance. Not only is he able to connect effortlessly with a wider age group, he is also able to integrate and bring together people from different disciplines, and make them work towards the collective good of the whole company, including the business side. He prefers to sit down one-on-one with people, explain the strategy, and get them on board. While Google has politics like any other large company, Sundar has waded through those to make his team successful while rendering the least possible damage on any other team. He is widely regarded as an efficient problem solver and knows how to get the best of everything, without disregarding anyone’s idea completely.

A story on Sundar Pichai’s collaborative nature goes on tell that he is the kind of leader/manager who would sit and quietly listen to what everyone had to say, and then deliver an idea that could work for everyone. Such are his people orientation abilities, that he has been lauded for his opinionated nature, while providing others the opportunity to present their ideas before delivering his own opinion.

Additionally, Pichai has a great regard for quality work, focus, and results, and deals with it through a “substance over overt style” attitude. Combine that with his high people orientation and task orientation approach, Pichai has clearly succeeded in becoming a great CEO of a great company. As a Quora user pointed out, “competence can be gained in an IIT or IIM or Wharton, or literally anywhere with the right attitude; but when that meets high consciousness/awareness of people and happenings around – magic happens.” I believe, Sundar Pichai is a living example of the magic reaped through perseverance and empathy.

Post Author:

Amrita Kolay

Creating a basic Visual/Graphical Resume

Creating a basic Visual/Graphical Resume

Visual resume sampleResumes have emerged as an important tool for job-hunting in the recent times. They serve as an important medium to convey and know an individual’s career history, skills, and competencies, while helping a hiring manager ascertain whether a candidate would be good for the role advertised or not. A well-developed résumé greatly tips the odds in the favor of the candidates who win points not just for a well-represented career journey, but also for information flow, coherency, readability, and representation.


With the advent of technology, and its usage in our daily lives, it doesn’t come as a surprise that résumés too are gearing up and taking it a notch higher. With the increasingly fast-paced life and less time at hand, “less is more” is the new mantra. Combine this with the advent of digitization, visual elements are becoming increasingly attractive and the choice of communication when one wants to convey a point quickly and succinctly. It is no wonder, therefore, that résumés be untouched with this growing trend.


Welcome the Visual/Graphical Résumé, a document that combines visuals elements to put together and communicate your career journey to potential recruiters in an interesting, yet time-affordable way. A visual/graphical résumé banks on the fact that people, or rather recruiters, are flooded with a plethora of options these days, and have very less time to read through and scrutinize individual profiles carefully, and uses this to its advantage to communicate “more in less”.


While there are many ways to create a visual résumé, ironically it takes a lot of time and patience to draft one. And, as mentioned earlier on, people don’t have much time these days. So, what to do when you have less time but want your résumé to be up-to-date with the latest standards and not miss out on some awesome opportunities? This article tells you how to create a basic visual/graphical résumé, that balances text and visual elements to create a great document in no time.


First things first. You should segregate your résumé into two sections: one with data you can represent pictorially/visually, and the other that can be written as text. While this might be a little tricky, you can make use of this as a checklist for things you can almost always represent visually on your résumé: Skills, Career Journey, and Achievements. Note that visual representation spans a lot of things: pictures, graphs, shapes, SmartArt, etc. For most of the résumés, the rest of the information, such as the Profile Summary, Professional Experience, Education, Projects, etc. are mostly represented in text form.


Now that you have segregated the visual and non-visual sections of the résumé, you need to start working on your draft. I’d ideally suggest a one-page visual résumé, since a one-pager is easy and quick to read (also quick to draft), but a two-pager would also work for more experienced professionals. Since this would be a visual résumé, I’d also advise to take on the LinkedIn approach: write quality content as opposed to quantitative content, since you are aiming to create a draft that needs to be relevant and quick on the reading aspect.

Coming back on how to draft a visual/graphical résumé, once you have segregated the visual sections, you need to analyze how to represent the sections. The three broad sub-sections that we chose earlier, can be represented in different ways, but I’d suggest the easy-to-make options.

1. Career Journey: The easiest way is to represent your career journey through a timeline. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy, a simple line representation showing the duration and your employment episodes would suffice. You can also make a creative and fancy timeline if you have the time for it.

Visual Resume tips 2. Skills: The best way to represent skills in a visual/graphical résumé is to quantify your expertise for an individual skill. Remember, this looks nice only if you pick out at least seven to eight key skills, and rate yourself on the same on a scale of either one to five, or one to 10. These can be represented in the form of stars, circles, graphs, or any other shape.

Visual Resume graphic

3. Achievements: These can be best represented through pie charts or graphs, more so as a comparison, since these are the quantifiable elements in the résumé. Tip: Represent only the most significant and key achievements from your career, to strike a balance between text and visuals.

Visual Resume Graphics

4. Others: If you have worked with top MNCs or Fortune 500 companies, then I’d suggest using company logo images to add to the résumé, to show that you possess the necessary skills and expertise, as well as adaptability and flexibility to quickly mingle in a new environment or situations.

Visual Resume images

While drafting a visual/graphical résumé, I would like to remind you once again to pay emphasis on the “less is more” philosophy, and write as less content as possible in the draft, giving away only crucial information and not everything under the sun. Combined with the above points, you will be able to prepare a basic visual/graphical résumé for yourself, saving significant time and staying up to date on the job and market trends.


Happy job hunting!


Amrita Kolay

5 Key success mantras for champion HR Recruiters




“I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day you bet on people, not on strategies.” – Lawrence Bossidy, GE


A simple quote that reveals the base of a Human Resource process; if we look into the current hiring scenario every word of the phrase holds true. Human Resource Management constructs the base of an organization, stronger the base strong would be the company structure. Starting from resume screening, reviewing job applications, interviewing candidates, people from HR team are involved in almost everything that relates to employees and their benefits. Wearing the HR hat is easy but very few possess the eagle eye to pick the right candidate from the lot. Basic qualities that separate a recruiter from the crowd are:


  • Understanding the job requirement:


As simple it may appear but the job description plays a very important role in recruitment, since it clearly contains “The Actual Requirement” from the concerned department. There are many roles in the market that appear to be same but are separated by a very thin line. A smart recruiter would always be able to determine the line and source the rightful candidate.


For example if the position is open for a Marketing person, there would be numerous applicants from various backgrounds, people from sales would apply, now often people tend to mix sales and marketing professionals. A good recruiter would always know the difference and look for qualities that separates a marketer from sales, such as “A person who sees the overall picture of a product, conducts an in depth market research and prepare a proper plan to augment sales is a marketing person and a person who just focuses on selling a product and meet the assigned target is a sales professional”.


Not all recruiters will have an ability to identify and understand the crucial thin lines; hence it is very important to gain an in depth understanding of the requirement before going to the next step.


  • Conducting the right search using the JD, and using social tools apart from traditional modes.


If one takes the correct path he/she would surely reach the desired destination, but if the path is wrong he/she would end up find nothing else but darkness. This holds true for our every field, so in case of recruitment, while understanding a job description a qualified recruiter would always pick up the relevant keywords and then use them to search for the candidate at various job portals. He/she would definitely seek help from social platforms like LinkedIn and Google search engine, which we all use every day to quench our quest, a good HR would always know how to search profiles using Boolean logics and specify keyword search technique.


One has to know what he/she is seeking before searching so knowing the job description is a must for every HR.  So once the search is done, the selected candidate can be called for face to face interview.


  • Reflecting the right culture


HR carries the face of the company, so he/she should always maintain decency while meeting with candidates. Since a slightest wrong impression can drive a potential candidate away. It has been noticed in a survey that often candidates are not able to speak their true self due to the rudeness of the Interviewer.


At the time of interview often the interviewee is nervous, a good HR must always know to ease the nervousness, create a calm environment, and make the person feel comfortable. Once the candidate feel contented and wanted he/she would feel the ease to open up and reflect their true self.


  • Knowledge of ERP (Employee Resource Planning) systems:


There are lot of Human Capital Management applications in the market, whose knowledge can enhance the skills of a HR. Some popular Human Capital Management applications and support are provided by companies like Oracle, SAP, Microsoft etc. These applications keep all the data of the Employees right from hiring till termination / Resignation. All the transactions of the Employees are captured in the system inside various modules like Recruiting, Absence Management, Payroll & Compensation, Time and Labour. There are various reporting features and automation in these systems which ease the work of a HR in a large organization.


  • Communication – The Human Connection and The Final Choice:


Any expert would know the importance of communication, the more time an interviewer spend with an interviewee the more they both would get to know about each other and this is absolutely apt before starting for a long term relationship with the organization.


It is always important to hire a candidate who carries the right attitude. A candidate often tends to hide their flaws, a good HR would know how to bring down a candidate to his/her comfort level and ask relevant questions that would help to highlight the actual qualities required for the post.


Taking decision is always tricky, a slight misunderstanding or communication gap and one might lose a deserving candidate. HR must know to weigh all the qualities and determine if it matches with the requirement. Also, while settling for a candidate it is also very important to keep the allocated budget in mind. So however tough it may be, professionals with strong background and knowledge in HR would always provide strategic oversight with ease and hire the right candidate within the assigned budget. A true HR always focuses on “Human” aspect in HR by winning employee confidence and trust; maintain cordial management-employee relations and achieve desired results.


Post Author:

Amrita Kolay

BEWARE of these 8 managers in your job interview

BEWARE of these 8 managers in your job


image 1


Once in a while in a job interview you come across a bad manager who you realise could do more harm than good to your career. We help you identify the 8 bad managers you must be wary of in an interview

When was the last time you appeared for a job interview and encountered a manager who influenced you to reconsider your choice of joining the organisation?

Your first meeting with your prospective manager could unveil a lot of things about what you can expect from the organisation.

Candidates who have appeared for job interviews admitted that hiring managers they have met during interviews ranged from being intimidating to outrageous and in some cases even ignorant!

Interestingly, most of these interactions have helped them decide if they wanted to take up the offer of working with the company.

While some of these managers you may hate because they made you wait for an hour and did not care to apologise to you for the delay, there are job seekers who cant figure out why they were being interviewed for the position when all the manager did through the interview was tell them how bad they are.

In such situations, the knack is to identify a bad manager from a good one and adapt accordingly.

A bad manager could also be a warning sign, says Gargi Thorat, a 32-year-old advertising professional from Mumbai. “If you are lucky to identify a bad manager at the interview stage, half your problem is solved. It helps you decide whether you should play on with the interviewer and nail the offer or simply walk out of the place,” shares Thorat.

Here, we identify the various types of bad managers by their behavioural warning signs and help you understand what to do when you meet them next.

image 21. The Unapologetic Latecomer

You have reached the interview venue on time but there’s no one to attend to you.

When you ask the receptionist, you are told that the manager is busy in a meeting and that you will have to wait.

The hiring manager walks in 30 minutes later and without apologising, gets straight into the interview routine.

Now, a manager could be late for various reasons. S/he could be delayed by a meeting that got extended, which is the most common of excuses made by managers when they turn up late. And then there are those who love to turn up late just to make themselves feel extra important.

When a person delays his appointment, no matter what position of authority s/he holds within the organisation and no matter how trivial your interview appointment to the organisation is, it is expected of them to apologise to you.

“An apology means that they value your time and respect your presence,” feels Vidhan Chandra, Director, iSource services. “If they don’t, it displays unaccountability.”

In case of the latter, be prepared to trade for your time, just in case you wish to join the organisation. And if the manager happens to be your immediate boss, you could end up ‘waiting’ for worse, warns Chandra.

image 32. The Silent Killer

The interviewer has a stern look on his face throughout the interview.

A firm handshake, a well manicured smile and the questions asked to you are mostly open ended. You keep talking, but all you get is a plastic nod and minimal words from the manager. The expression on their face is deadpan and you are not sure whether they are listening to your responses or judging you by your face.

Is he partially dumb or does he intentionally turn deaf as I speak? You wonder.

Senior copy editor Nandita Kapadia from Mumbai remembers the interview she appeared at one of the leading technology firms in the country. The interviewer first put down her CV on the table, then folded his hands and asked her the obvious: Tell me something about yourself.

“I was talking for nearly three minutes, but the interviewer who appeared to be listening to me did not utter a word in reciprocation. After I thought I had said enough about myself, I told the interviewer politely: ‘Sir, I think I have said enough. So, you tell me what else would you like to know.’

Managers could be silent for two reasons — either because they want you to speak so that they can know you better or because they believe in minimal communication.

The best way to tackle a silent interviewer is by answering briefly and to the point, says consultant Vikas Shinde of Omkar Consulting, Pune.

“You should patiently wait for the interviewer to ask you questions. If you realise that you have answered enough, you can try asking a few questions to the manager to find out how much information you can gather while you are at it,” Shinde suggests.

Meanwhile, if all your questions are met with silence or monosyllables, be ware that the company follows a closed policy where they do not encourage a healthy communication culture, cautions Vidhan Chandra who tells us that these species of managers are common in public sector units.

Talk to a few employees or ex-employees from the organisation to get better insights before you sign on the dotted line, Shinde suggests.

image 43. The Gossip Monger

You have met the manager for the first time and you two have been talking for over an hour.

From the bad state of roads to the financial reports of a common competitor firm, the interviewer has talked about everything but your job. And most of it has been gossip.

While a conversation like this could only be too tempting to be ignored upon, it is dangerous and means two things. Either the manager is trying to extract finer details about you and your present organisation through personal information like your opinions and feedback on various issues or they are seeking information that they can use against you after you are hired.

Akash Motwani, HR Manager, Right Jobs Consulting tells us how feedback (read gossip) received from candidates who are working for a competitor are great source of information and explains why this could be dangerous.

“You may be tricked into believing that you are being hired, but they must be looking to extract information about your present company. If the interviewer is your competitor, do not divulge details like marketing strategies, yet-to-be-official plans, work principles etc,” warns Motwani

image 54. The Distracted One

The interviewer’s phone is constantly ringing. He attempts to put it on silent but then he simultaneously asks you to talk while he is busy sending a text on his phone. From his actions, you can tell if he is not paying attention to what you are saying.

Distractions like these where managers are attending phone calls, sending text messages or checking emails while the interview is on, are clearly off putting.

Considering that managers are busy people who have to attend important calls, you can identify a good manager when he seeks your permission to answer a call and then apologises to you for the interruption.

“However, if the interviewer repeats this process for a more than 3 times and if you find out that it’s some random friend who is trying to interrupt your conversation, you could tell that the person does not respect your presence,” warns Vrushali Mange, senior manager-HR, Perfect Jobs and Consulting Services.


5. image 6The Fault Finder

The interview room resembles a boxing ring. The interviewer looks into your eyes when they speak. S/he counters everything you say with an unsatisfactory response that leaves you intimidated.

You wonder if they are testing your confidence or finding out excuses to tell you why you are the worst candidate they have ever met.

Palak Arora (name changed to protect identity) shares his experience where the interviewer said everything nasty to make him feel.

“After a mock presentation of a sales call, I had to meet the manager to discuss details of my job profile. The manager told me how unimpressive I was despite going through my past records of high performance referred by my seniors. Just when he was rejoicing the success of demoralising me, with his nitpicking the manager told me that I should be meeting the human resource head to discuss my salary break up. I failed to realise why they were hiring me at all, if they found me so incompetent.”

Since you can never satisfy them and you still want to keep the job (that is if you are so desperate to work under a boss like that), just get used to ‘filtered listening’ viz absorb only what’s important for your sustenance in the company and ignore the unnecessary.

image 76. The Lecher

When Priya Kothari (name changed to protect identity) appeared for an interview in a leading IT firm, she was asked to reveal her sexual preferences.

“What are your views on lesbianism? Are you straight?” the interviewer asked her coyly.

Although Kothari claims that she was first taken aback, she was equally quick enough to retort, “I don’t think my answer to this question has got anything to do with the position I have applied for.”

After the interview, Kothari immediately called up the consultancy and cautioned them to be careful about further sending female candidates to this manager. “I surely don’t want to work in a place like this,” she asserted this consultant.

Vidhan Chandra says that women are more likely to meet such managers who are likely to hit on the opportunity and make them feel uncomfortable by asking questions that directly or indirectly outrage your modesty.

They will start off by complimenting a woman for her looks, and slowly try to ask them questions that will make them feel uneasy.

“If you realise that the manager is trying to do something funny with you, please be polite and ask them to stick to the interview routine. Women can easily identify such managers from the very first eye contact they make,” assures Chandra.

image 8.jpg7. The Belitter

The interviewer surely knows too cents more than you. And obviously has more experience in his years of service to the company.

But that does not give them the authority to make any of your credentials feel less important.

The Belitter could be just as dangerous as the Fault Finder.

While the former would leave no stone unturned to tell you why you are of no good, he is more prone to exploit your talent than the latter.

“He will provoke you to answer questions which will display your aggressiveness and then use it against you,” Vidhan Chandra warns and tells us why he will hire the candidate with the weakest profile.

“Because the belittler wants to hire someone whom he can dominate at work. He will hire someone who will obey his orders, do all the work without arguing or sulking about it,” Chandra reasons.

While admitting that most managers choose the most unproductive candidate, Akash Motwani advises why it’s better to stay away from such managers when you are fully aware that they will make your work life miserable.

“They will treat you like a doormat. No appreciation and no promotion. You will work like a slave. These are the dictums you will have to put with. Only a person who has absolutely no self respect will vouch to work under such a manager,” Motwani feels while adding why such a manager could do more harm for your career than good.

image 9jpg8. The Air Dropper

In Vidhan Chandra’s words, an air dropper is “someone who has inherited the position of a manager through ancestry or by virtue of an educational degree from a prestigious college, but has no experience whatsoever about the manpower requirements of the company he manages.”

Such managers usually have limited or theoretical knowledge of how an organisation functions, and hence are not fully equipped to take decisions on hiring an employee. In fact such managers could be detrimental to your career, observes Vidhan Chandra.

Avni Chopra (name changed) currently works as the secretary for a shipping agency that was inherited by the son-in-law of the founder. Chopra says that although the manager was hell bent on hiring fresh graduates to replace the experienced professionals in their agency, he sooner realised that the company suffered huge losses due to his lack of experience working in the shipping sector.

“You can identify such bosses in an interview when they do not ask you anything specific about your profession. Their ignorance will clearly show off when you ask them questions related to their company’s performance,” Chopra shares.

“It is better to check the website of the company you are joining and do a quick background check on the people who are managing the company. Cross check the recent financial reports of the organisation to find out how the company has performed under their management and then make a decision,” suggests Chopra.

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